Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Processing Response Attribution Tool

The Response Attribution tool is executed via an iLoader command, which will parse all instances of the tool and order initially as Direct against Non Direct, then in recency of event.

The campaign tool completes the following tasks:

Process Rule

To produce a domain on the response table representing rows to be considered for attribution. This will automatically consider recipients of the creative.

Link the response back to the campaign it has been attributed to

The Response Attribution tool is processed as part of the nightly load strategy against the standard Engine repository. See the iLoader Best Practice - Strategies for Loading Data guide for further information.

Single Attribution

As this tool runs against an attribution level table it will mark each relevant response with a History key to allow the link between this response and the History table. This means that each response can only be attributed to a single campaign. There is the opportunity to mark rules as direct or in-direct (implied), and with the recency processing this should allow high confidence that the response has been attributed to the correct campaign.

Glossary of Terms

Name Description
Attribution The ability to associate an event such as a purchase or call center enquiry, to have been made as part of campaign activity.
Responder A customer, either known or unknown who made a response that has been captured as potentially having been triggered by a piece of Campaign activity. The response will have occurred within a defined time period after campaign deployment.
Indirect/ Implied Responses The responders action is the result of contact made by a campaign. The responders must have been mailed by the campaign and have responded in the appropriate timescales.
Indirect Unknown A response that does not have a cell code, or match to any known individual.
Double Counting For indirect/implied responses there is a potential for a response to be attributable to more than one campaign or even two tactics in the same campaign if the campaign activities overlap and therefore based on the rules, that response could be counted twice. The Attribution Engine has a direct rule that will only attribute one response to one campaign, meaning that double counting will not occur.
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